Dan Brown 0c6f598d91
Fixed issue where text after line breaks not indexed
Linebreaks would previously essentially be removed during index and
hence joined to adjacent words, breaking prefix matching.
Added test to cover.
For #3508
2022-06-20 23:47:42 +01:00

271 lines
8.1 KiB

namespace BookStack\Entities\Tools;
use BookStack\Actions\Tag;
use BookStack\Entities\EntityProvider;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Entity;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\Page;
use BookStack\Entities\Models\SearchTerm;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMNode;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class SearchIndex
* A list of delimiter characters used to break-up parsed content into terms for indexing.
* @var string
public static $delimiters = " \n\t.,!?:;()[]{}<>`'\"";
* @var EntityProvider
protected $entityProvider;
public function __construct(EntityProvider $entityProvider)
$this->entityProvider = $entityProvider;
* Index the given entity.
public function indexEntity(Entity $entity)
$terms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity);
* Index multiple Entities at once.
* @param Entity[] $entities
public function indexEntities(array $entities)
$terms = [];
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$entityTerms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity);
array_push($terms, ...$entityTerms);
$chunkedTerms = array_chunk($terms, 500);
foreach ($chunkedTerms as $termChunk) {
* Delete and re-index the terms for all entities in the system.
* Can take a callback which is used for reporting progress.
* Callback receives three arguments:
* - An instance of the model being processed
* - The number that have been processed so far.
* - The total number of that model to be processed.
* @param callable(Entity, int, int):void|null $progressCallback
public function indexAllEntities(?callable $progressCallback = null)
foreach ($this->entityProvider->all() as $entityModel) {
$indexContentField = $entityModel instanceof Page ? 'html' : 'description';
$selectFields = ['id', 'name', $indexContentField];
/** @var Builder<Entity> $query */
$query = $entityModel->newQuery();
$total = $query->withTrashed()->count();
$chunkSize = 250;
$processed = 0;
$chunkCallback = function (Collection $entities) use ($progressCallback, &$processed, $total, $chunkSize, $entityModel) {
$processed = min($processed + $chunkSize, $total);
if (is_callable($progressCallback)) {
$progressCallback($entityModel, $processed, $total);
->chunk($chunkSize, $chunkCallback);
* Delete related Entity search terms.
public function deleteEntityTerms(Entity $entity)
* Create a scored term array from the given text, where the keys are the terms
* and the values are their scores.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromText(string $text, int $scoreAdjustment = 1): array
$termMap = $this->textToTermCountMap($text);
foreach ($termMap as $term => $count) {
$termMap[$term] = $count * $scoreAdjustment;
return $termMap;
* Create a scored term array from the given HTML, where the keys are the terms
* and the values are their scores.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromHtml(string $html): array
if (empty($html)) {
return [];
$scoresByTerm = [];
$elementScoreAdjustmentMap = [
'h1' => 10,
'h2' => 5,
'h3' => 4,
'h4' => 3,
'h5' => 2,
'h6' => 1.5,
$html = '<body>' . $html . '</body>';
$html = str_ireplace(['<br>', '<br />', '<br/>'], "\n", $html);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
$topElems = $doc->documentElement->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes;
/** @var DOMNode $child */
foreach ($topElems as $child) {
$nodeName = $child->nodeName;
$termCounts = $this->textToTermCountMap(trim($child->textContent));
foreach ($termCounts as $term => $count) {
$scoreChange = $count * ($elementScoreAdjustmentMap[$nodeName] ?? 1);
$scoresByTerm[$term] = ($scoresByTerm[$term] ?? 0) + $scoreChange;
return $scoresByTerm;
* Create a scored term map from the given set of entity tags.
* @param Tag[] $tags
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function generateTermScoreMapFromTags(array $tags): array
$scoreMap = [];
$names = [];
$values = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$names[] = $tag->name;
$values[] = $tag->value;
$nameMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $names), 3);
$valueMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $values), 5);
return $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameMap, $valueMap);
* For the given text, return an array where the keys are the unique term words
* and the values are the frequency of that term.
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function textToTermCountMap(string $text): array
$tokenMap = []; // {TextToken => OccurrenceCount}
$splitChars = static::$delimiters;
$token = strtok($text, $splitChars);
while ($token !== false) {
if (!isset($tokenMap[$token])) {
$tokenMap[$token] = 0;
$token = strtok($splitChars);
return $tokenMap;
* For the given entity, Generate an array of term data details.
* Is the raw term data, not instances of SearchTerm models.
* @returns array{term: string, score: float, entity_id: int, entity_type: string}[]
protected function entityToTermDataArray(Entity $entity): array
$nameTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->name, 40 * $entity->searchFactor);
$tagTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromTags($entity->tags->all());
if ($entity instanceof Page) {
$bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromHtml($entity->html);
} else {
$bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->getAttribute('description') ?? '', $entity->searchFactor);
$mergedScoreMap = $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameTermsMap, $bodyTermsMap, $tagTermsMap);
$dataArray = [];
$entityId = $entity->id;
$entityType = $entity->getMorphClass();
foreach ($mergedScoreMap as $term => $score) {
$dataArray[] = [
'term' => $term,
'score' => $score,
'entity_type' => $entityType,
'entity_id' => $entityId,
return $dataArray;
* For the given term data arrays, Merge their contents by term
* while combining any scores.
* @param array<string, int>[] ...$scoreMaps
* @returns array<string, int>
protected function mergeTermScoreMaps(...$scoreMaps): array
$mergedMap = [];
foreach ($scoreMaps as $scoreMap) {
foreach ($scoreMap as $term => $score) {
$mergedMap[$term] = ($mergedMap[$term] ?? 0) + $score;
return $mergedMap;