share('cspNonce', $nonce); // TODO - Assess whether image/style/iframe CSP rules should be set // TODO - Extract nonce application to custom head content in a way that's cacheable. // TODO - Fix remaining CSP issues and test lots $response = $next($request); $this->setFrameAncestors($response); $this->setScriptSrc($response, $nonce); return $response; } /** * Sets CSP 'script-src' headers to restrict the forms of script that can * run on the page. */ public function setScriptSrc(Response $response, string $nonce) { $parts = [ '\'self\'', '\'nonce-' . $nonce . '\'', '\'strict-dynamic\'', ]; $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', 'script-src ' . implode(' ', $parts)); } /** * Sets CSP "frame-ancestors" headers to restrict the hosts that BookStack can be * iframed within. Also adjusts the cookie samesite options so that cookies will * operate in the third-party context. */ protected function setFrameAncestors(Response $response) { $iframeHosts = collect(explode(' ', config('app.iframe_hosts', '')))->filter(); if ($iframeHosts->count() > 0) { config()->set('session.same_site', 'none'); } $iframeHosts->prepend("'self'"); $cspValue = 'frame-ancestors ' . $iframeHosts->join(' '); $response->headers->set('Content-Security-Policy', $cspValue); } }