"use strict"; const Code = require('../code'); /** * Handle pasting images from clipboard. * @param e - event * @param editor - editor instance */ function editorPaste(e, editor) { if (!e.clipboardData) return; let items = e.clipboardData.items; if (!items) return; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].type.indexOf("image") === -1) return; let file = items[i].getAsFile(); let formData = new FormData(); let ext = 'png'; let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (file.name) { let fileNameMatches = file.name.match(/\.(.+)$/); if (fileNameMatches) { ext = fileNameMatches[1]; } } let id = "image-" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2); let loadingImage = window.baseUrl('/loading.gif'); editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, ``); let remoteFilename = "image-" + Date.now() + "." + ext; formData.append('file', file, remoteFilename); formData.append('_token', document.querySelector('meta[name="token"]').getAttribute('content')); xhr.open('POST', window.baseUrl('/images/gallery/upload')); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 201) { let result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); editor.dom.setAttrib(id, 'src', result.thumbs.display); } else { console.log('An error occurred uploading the image', xhr.responseText); editor.dom.remove(id); } }; xhr.send(formData); } } function registerEditorShortcuts(editor) { // Headers for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) { editor.addShortcut('meta+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]); } // Other block shortcuts editor.addShortcut('meta+q', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'blockquote']); editor.addShortcut('meta+d', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'p']); editor.addShortcut('meta+e', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'pre']); editor.addShortcut('meta+shift+E', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'code']); } function codePlugin() { function elemIsCodeBlock(elem) { return elem.className === 'CodeMirrorContainer'; } function showPopup(editor) { let selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(); if (!elemIsCodeBlock(selectedNode)) { return; } let lang = selectedNode.hasAttribute('data-language') ? selectedNode.getAttribute('data-language') : ''; let currentCode = selectedNode.querySelector('textarea').textContent; console.log('SHOW POPUP'); // TODO - Show custom editor } window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('codeeditor', (editor, url) => { let $ = editor.$; editor.addButton('codeeditor', { text: 'Code block', icon: false, onclick() { showPopup(editor); } }); // Convert editor.on('PreProcess', function (e) { $('div.CodeMirrorContainer', e.node). each((index, elem) => { let $elem = $(elem); let code = elem.querySelector('textarea').textContent; // $elem.attr('class', $.trim($elem.attr('class'))); $elem.removeAttr('contentEditable'); $elem.empty().append('
').find('pre').first().append($('').each((index, elem) => {
                    // Needs to be textContent since innerText produces BR:s
                    elem.textContent = code;
                }).attr('class', $elem.attr('class')));

        editor.on('SetContent', function () {
            let codeSamples = $('pre').filter((index, elem) => {
                return elem.contentEditable !== "false";

            if (codeSamples.length) {
                editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
                    codeSamples.each((index, elem) => {
                        let outerWrap = Code.wysiwygView(elem);
                        outerWrap.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {


module.exports = function() {
    let settings = {
        selector: '#html-editor',
        content_css: [
        branding: false,
        body_class: 'page-content',
        browser_spellcheck: true,
        relative_urls: false,
        remove_script_host: false,
        document_base_url: window.baseUrl('/'),
        statusbar: false,
        menubar: false,
        paste_data_images: false,
        extended_valid_elements: 'pre[*]',
        automatic_uploads: false,
        valid_children: "-div[p|pre|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|blockquote]",
        plugins: "image table textcolor paste link autolink fullscreen imagetools code customhr autosave lists codeeditor",
        imagetools_toolbar: 'imageoptions',
        toolbar: "undo redo | styleselect | bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | forecolor backcolor | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | table image-insert link hr | removeformat code fullscreen codeeditor",
        content_style: "body {padding-left: 15px !important; padding-right: 15px !important; margin:0!important; margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;}",
        style_formats: [
            {title: "Header Large", format: "h2"},
            {title: "Header Medium", format: "h3"},
            {title: "Header Small", format: "h4"},
            {title: "Header Tiny", format: "h5"},
            {title: "Paragraph", format: "p", exact: true, classes: ''},
            {title: "Blockquote", format: "blockquote"},
            {title: "Code Block", icon: "code", format: "pre"},
            {title: "Inline Code", icon: "code", inline: "code"},
            {title: "Callouts", items: [
                {title: "Success", block: 'p', exact: true, attributes : {'class' : 'callout success'}},
                {title: "Info", block: 'p', exact: true, attributes : {'class' : 'callout info'}},
                {title: "Warning", block: 'p', exact: true, attributes : {'class' : 'callout warning'}},
                {title: "Danger", block: 'p', exact: true, attributes : {'class' : 'callout danger'}}
        style_formats_merge: false,
        formats: {
            alignleft: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-left'},
            aligncenter: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-center'},
            alignright: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-right'},
        file_browser_callback: function (field_name, url, type, win) {

            if (type === 'file') {
                window.showEntityLinkSelector(function(entity) {
                    let originalField = win.document.getElementById(field_name);
                    originalField.value = entity.link;

            if (type === 'image') {
                // Show image manager
                window.ImageManager.showExternal(function (image) {

                    // Set popover link input to image url then fire change event
                    // to ensure the new value sticks
                    win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = image.url;
                    if ("createEvent" in document) {
                        let evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
                        evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
                    } else {

                    // Replace the actively selected content with the linked image
                    let html = ``;
                    html += `${image.name}`;
                    html += '';
                    win.tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html);

        paste_preprocess: function (plugin, args) {
            let content = args.content;
            if (content.indexOf('`;
                        html += `${image.name}`;
                        html += '';
                        editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, html);

            // Paste image-uploads
            editor.on('paste', function(event) {
                editorPaste(event, editor);
    return settings;