import {orderedList, bulletList, listItem} from "prosemirror-schema-list"; /** * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {string|null} */ function getAlignAttrFromDomNode(node) { const classList = node.classList; const styles = || {}; const alignments = ['right', 'left', 'center', 'justify']; for (const alignment of alignments) { if (classList.contains('align-' + alignment) || styles.textAlign === alignment) { return alignment; } } return null; } /** * @param {String} className * @param {Object} attrs * @return {Object} */ function addClassToAttrs(className, attrs) { return Object.assign({}, attrs, { class: attrs.class ? attrs.class + ' ' + className : className, }); } /** * @param node * @param {Object} attrs * @return {Object} */ function addAlignmentAttr(node, attrs) { const positions = ['right', 'left', 'center', 'justify']; for (const position of positions) { if (node.attrs.align === position) { return addClassToAttrs('align-' + position, attrs); } } return attrs; } function getAttrsParserForAlignment(node) { return { align: getAlignAttrFromDomNode(node), }; } const doc = { content: "block+", }; const paragraph = { content: "inline*", group: "block", parseDOM: [ { tag: "p", getAttrs: getAttrsParserForAlignment, } ], attrs: { align: { default: null, } }, toDOM(node) { return ["p", addAlignmentAttr(node, {}), 0]; } }; const blockquote = { content: "block+", group: "block", defining: true, parseDOM: [{tag: "blockquote", getAttrs: getAttrsParserForAlignment}], attrs: { align: { default: null, } }, toDOM(node) { return ["blockquote", addAlignmentAttr(node, {}), 0]; } }; const horizontal_rule = { group: "block", parseDOM: [{tag: "hr"}], toDOM() { return ["hr"]; } }; const headingParseGetAttrs = (level) => { return function (node) { return {level, align: getAlignAttrFromDomNode(node)}; }; }; const heading = { attrs: {level: {default: 1}, align: {default: null}}, content: "inline*", group: "block", defining: true, parseDOM: [ {tag: "h1", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(1)}, {tag: "h2", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(2)}, {tag: "h3", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(3)}, {tag: "h4", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(4)}, {tag: "h5", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(5)}, {tag: "h6", getAttrs: headingParseGetAttrs(6)}, ], toDOM(node) { return ["h" + node.attrs.level, addAlignmentAttr(node, {}), 0] } }; const code_block = { content: "text*", marks: "", group: "block", code: true, defining: true, parseDOM: [{tag: "pre", preserveWhitespace: "full"}], toDOM() { return ["pre", ["code", 0]]; } }; const text = { group: "inline" }; const image = { inline: true, attrs: { src: {}, alt: {default: null}, title: {default: null} }, group: "inline", draggable: true, parseDOM: [{ tag: "img[src]", getAttrs: function getAttrs(dom) { return { src: dom.getAttribute("src"), title: dom.getAttribute("title"), alt: dom.getAttribute("alt") } } }], toDOM: function toDOM(node) { const ref = node.attrs; const src = ref.src; const alt = ref.alt; const title = ref.title; return ["img", {src: src, alt: alt, title: title}] } }; const hard_break = { inline: true, group: "inline", selectable: false, parseDOM: [{tag: "br"}], toDOM() { return ["br"]; } }; const calloutParseGetAttrs = (type) => { return function (node) { return {type, align: getAlignAttrFromDomNode(node)}; }; }; const callout = { attrs: { type: {default: 'info'}, align: {default: null}, }, content: "inline*", group: "block", defining: true, parseDOM: [ {tag: '', getAttrs: calloutParseGetAttrs('info'), priority: 75}, {tag: 'p.callout.success', getAttrs: calloutParseGetAttrs('success'), priority: 75}, {tag: 'p.callout.danger', getAttrs: calloutParseGetAttrs('danger'), priority: 75}, {tag: 'p.callout.warning', getAttrs: calloutParseGetAttrs('warning'), priority: 75}, {tag: 'p.callout', getAttrs: calloutParseGetAttrs('info'), priority: 75}, ], toDOM(node) { const type = node.attrs.type || 'info'; return ['p', addAlignmentAttr(node, {class: 'callout ' + type}) , 0]; } }; const ordered_list = Object.assign({}, orderedList, {content: "list_item+", group: "block"}); const bullet_list = Object.assign({}, bulletList, {content: "list_item+", group: "block"}); const list_item = Object.assign({}, listItem, {content: 'paragraph block*'}); const nodes = { doc, paragraph, blockquote, horizontal_rule, heading, code_block, text, image, hard_break, callout, ordered_list, bullet_list, list_item, }; export default nodes;