userRepo = $userRepo; $this->socialite = $socialite; $this->socialAccount = $socialAccount; } /** * Start the social login path. * @throws SocialDriverNotConfigured */ public function startLogIn(string $socialDriver): RedirectResponse { $driver = $this->validateDriver($socialDriver); return $this->getSocialDriver($driver)->redirect(); } /** * Start the social registration process * @throws SocialDriverNotConfigured */ public function startRegister(string $socialDriver): RedirectResponse { $driver = $this->validateDriver($socialDriver); return $this->getSocialDriver($driver)->redirect(); } /** * Handle the social registration process on callback. * @throws UserRegistrationException */ public function handleRegistrationCallback(string $socialDriver, SocialUser $socialUser): SocialUser { // Check social account has not already been used if ($this->socialAccount->where('driver_id', '=', $socialUser->getId())->exists()) { throw new UserRegistrationException(trans('errors.social_account_in_use', ['socialAccount'=>$socialDriver]), '/login'); } if ($this->userRepo->getByEmail($socialUser->getEmail())) { $email = $socialUser->getEmail(); throw new UserRegistrationException(trans('errors.error_user_exists_different_creds', ['email' => $email]), '/login'); } return $socialUser; } /** * Get the social user details via the social driver. * @throws SocialDriverNotConfigured */ public function getSocialUser(string $socialDriver): SocialUser { $driver = $this->validateDriver($socialDriver); return $this->socialite->driver($driver)->user(); } /** * Handle the login process on a oAuth callback. * @throws SocialSignInAccountNotUsed */ public function handleLoginCallback(string $socialDriver, SocialUser $socialUser) { $socialId = $socialUser->getId(); // Get any attached social accounts or users $socialAccount = $this->socialAccount->where('driver_id', '=', $socialId)->first(); $isLoggedIn = auth()->check(); $currentUser = user(); $titleCaseDriver = Str::title($socialDriver); // When a user is not logged in and a matching SocialAccount exists, // Simply log the user into the application. if (!$isLoggedIn && $socialAccount !== null) { auth()->login($socialAccount->user); return redirect()->intended('/'); } // When a user is logged in but the social account does not exist, // Create the social account and attach it to the user & redirect to the profile page. if ($isLoggedIn && $socialAccount === null) { $this->fillSocialAccount($socialDriver, $socialUser); $currentUser->socialAccounts()->save($this->socialAccount); session()->flash('success', trans('settings.users_social_connected', ['socialAccount' => $titleCaseDriver])); return redirect($currentUser->getEditUrl()); } // When a user is logged in and the social account exists and is already linked to the current user. if ($isLoggedIn && $socialAccount !== null && $socialAccount->user->id === $currentUser->id) { session()->flash('error', trans('errors.social_account_existing', ['socialAccount' => $titleCaseDriver])); return redirect($currentUser->getEditUrl()); } // When a user is logged in, A social account exists but the users do not match. if ($isLoggedIn && $socialAccount !== null && $socialAccount->user->id != $currentUser->id) { session()->flash('error', trans('errors.social_account_already_used_existing', ['socialAccount' => $titleCaseDriver])); return redirect($currentUser->getEditUrl()); } // Otherwise let the user know this social account is not used by anyone. $message = trans('errors.social_account_not_used', ['socialAccount' => $titleCaseDriver]); if (setting('registration-enabled') && config('auth.method') !== 'ldap' && config('auth.method') !== 'saml2') { $message .= trans('errors.social_account_register_instructions', ['socialAccount' => $titleCaseDriver]); } throw new SocialSignInAccountNotUsed($message, '/login'); } /** * Ensure the social driver is correct and supported. * @throws SocialDriverNotConfigured */ protected function validateDriver(string $socialDriver): string { $driver = trim(strtolower($socialDriver)); if (!in_array($driver, $this->validSocialDrivers)) { abort(404, trans('errors.social_driver_not_found')); } if (!$this->checkDriverConfigured($driver)) { throw new SocialDriverNotConfigured(trans('errors.social_driver_not_configured', ['socialAccount' => Str::title($socialDriver)])); } return $driver; } /** * Check a social driver has been configured correctly. */ protected function checkDriverConfigured(string $driver): bool { $lowerName = strtolower($driver); $configPrefix = 'services.' . $lowerName . '.'; $config = [config($configPrefix . 'client_id'), config($configPrefix . 'client_secret'), config('services.callback_url')]; return !in_array(false, $config) && !in_array(null, $config); } /** * Gets the names of the active social drivers. */ public function getActiveDrivers(): array { $activeDrivers = []; foreach ($this->validSocialDrivers as $driverKey) { if ($this->checkDriverConfigured($driverKey)) { $activeDrivers[$driverKey] = $this->getDriverName($driverKey); } } return $activeDrivers; } /** * Get the presentational name for a driver. */ public function getDriverName(string $driver): string { return config('services.' . strtolower($driver) . '.name'); } /** * Check if the current config for the given driver allows auto-registration. */ public function driverAutoRegisterEnabled(string $driver): bool { return config('services.' . strtolower($driver) . '.auto_register') === true; } /** * Check if the current config for the given driver allow email address auto-confirmation. */ public function driverAutoConfirmEmailEnabled(string $driver): bool { return config('services.' . strtolower($driver) . '.auto_confirm') === true; } /** * Fill and return a SocialAccount from the given driver name and SocialUser. */ public function fillSocialAccount(string $socialDriver, SocialUser $socialUser): SocialAccount { $this->socialAccount->fill([ 'driver' => $socialDriver, 'driver_id' => $socialUser->getId(), 'avatar' => $socialUser->getAvatar() ]); return $this->socialAccount; } /** * Detach a social account from a user. * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function detachSocialAccount(string $socialDriver) { user()->socialAccounts()->where('driver', '=', $socialDriver)->delete(); } /** * Provide redirect options per service for the Laravel Socialite driver */ public function getSocialDriver(string $driverName): Provider { $driver = $this->socialite->driver($driverName); if ($driverName === 'google' && config('')) { $driver->with(['prompt' => 'select_account']); } return $driver; } }