const Clipboard = require("clipboard"); const Code = require('../libs/code'); let setupPageShow = window.setupPageShow = function (pageId) { Code.highlight(); if (!pageId) return; // Set up pointer let $pointer = $('#pointer').detach(); let pointerShowing = false; let $pointerInner = $pointer.children('div.pointer').first(); let isSelection = false; let pointerModeLink = true; let pointerSectionId = ''; // Select all contents on input click $pointer.on('click', 'input', event => { $(this).select(); event.stopPropagation(); }); $pointer.on('click focus', event => { event.stopPropagation(); }); // Pointer mode toggle $pointer.on('click', 'span.icon', event => { event.stopPropagation(); let $icon = $(event.currentTarget); pointerModeLink = !pointerModeLink; $icon.find('[data-icon="include"]').toggle(!pointerModeLink); $icon.find('[data-icon="link"]').toggle(pointerModeLink); updatePointerContent(); }); // Set up clipboard let clipboard = new Clipboard($pointer[0].querySelector('button')); // Hide pointer when clicking away $(document.body).find('*').on('click focus', event => { if (!pointerShowing || isSelection) return; $pointer.detach(); pointerShowing = false; }); function updatePointerContent() { let inputText = pointerModeLink ? window.baseUrl(`/link/${pageId}#${pointerSectionId}`) : `{{@${pageId}#${pointerSectionId}}}`; if (pointerModeLink && inputText.indexOf('http') !== 0) inputText = window.location.protocol + "//" + + inputText; $pointer.find('input').val(inputText); } // Show pointer when selecting a single block of tagged content $('.page-content [id^="bkmrk"]').on('mouseup keyup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); let selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.toString().length === 0) return; // Show pointer and set link let $elem = $(this); pointerSectionId = $elem.attr('id'); updatePointerContent(); $elem.before($pointer); $; pointerShowing = true; // Set pointer to sit near mouse-up position let pointerLeftOffset = (e.pageX - $elem.offset().left - ($pointerInner.width() / 2)); if (pointerLeftOffset < 0) pointerLeftOffset = 0; let pointerLeftOffsetPercent = (pointerLeftOffset / $elem.width()) * 100; $pointerInner.css('left', pointerLeftOffsetPercent + '%'); isSelection = true; setTimeout(() => { isSelection = false; }, 100); }); // Go to, and highlight if necessary, the specified text. function goToText(text) { let idElem = document.getElementById(text); $('.page-content [data-highlighted]').attr('data-highlighted', '').css('background-color', ''); if (idElem !== null) { window.scrollAndHighlight(idElem); } else { $('.page-content').find(':contains("' + text + '")').smoothScrollTo(); } } // Check the hash on load if (window.location.hash) { let text = window.location.hash.replace(/\%20/g, ' ').substr(1); goToText(text); } // Sidebar page nav click event $('.sidebar-page-nav').on('click', 'a', event => { goToText('href').substr(1)); }); // Make the sidebar stick in view on scroll let $window = $(window); let $sidebar = $("#sidebar .scroll-body"); let $bookTreeParent = $sidebar.parent(); // Check the page is scrollable and the content is taller than the tree let pageScrollable = ($(document).height() > $window.height()) && ($sidebar.height() < $('.page-content').height()); // Get current tree's width and header height let headerHeight = $("#header").height() + $(".toolbar").height(); let isFixed = $window.scrollTop() > headerHeight; // Fix the tree as a sidebar function stickTree() { $sidebar.width($bookTreeParent.width() + 15); $sidebar.addClass("fixed"); isFixed = true; } // Un-fix the tree back into position function unstickTree() { $sidebar.css('width', 'auto'); $sidebar.removeClass("fixed"); isFixed = false; } // Checks if the tree stickiness state should change function checkTreeStickiness(skipCheck) { let shouldBeFixed = $window.scrollTop() > headerHeight; if (shouldBeFixed && (!isFixed || skipCheck)) { stickTree(); } else if (!shouldBeFixed && (isFixed || skipCheck)) { unstickTree(); } } // The event ran when the window scrolls function windowScrollEvent() { checkTreeStickiness(false); } // If the page is scrollable and the window is wide enough listen to scroll events // and evaluate tree stickiness. if (pageScrollable && $window.width() > 1000) { $window.on('scroll', windowScrollEvent); checkTreeStickiness(true); } // Handle window resizing and switch between desktop/mobile views $window.on('resize', event => { if (pageScrollable && $window.width() > 1000) { $window.on('scroll', windowScrollEvent); checkTreeStickiness(true); } else { $'scroll', windowScrollEvent); unstickTree(); } }); // Check if support is present for IntersectionObserver if ('IntersectionObserver' in window && 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window && 'intersectionRatio' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) { addPageHighlighting(); } function addPageHighlighting() { let pageNav = document.querySelector('.sidebar-page-nav'); // fetch all the headings. let headings = document.querySelector('.page-content').querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6'); // if headings are present, add observers. if (headings.length > 0 && pageNav !== null) { addNavObserver(headings); } function addNavObserver(headings) { // Setup the intersection observer. let intersectOpts = { rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px', threshold: 1.0 }; let pageNavObserver = new IntersectionObserver(headingVisibilityChange, intersectOpts); // observe each heading for (let i = 0; i !== headings.length; ++i) { pageNavObserver.observe(headings[i]); } } function headingVisibilityChange(entries, observer) { for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { let currentEntry = entries[i]; let isVisible = (currentEntry.intersectionRatio === 1); toggleAnchorHighlighting(, isVisible); } } function toggleAnchorHighlighting(elementId, shouldHighlight) { let anchorsToHighlight = pageNav.querySelectorAll('a[href="#' + elementId + '"]'); for (let i = 0; i < anchorsToHighlight.length; i++) { // Change below to use classList.toggle when IE support is dropped. if (shouldHighlight) { anchorsToHighlight[i].classList.add('current-heading'); } else { anchorsToHighlight[i].classList.remove('current-heading'); } } } } }; module.exports = setupPageShow;