baseRepo = $baseRepo; } /** * Get a chapter via the slug. * * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getBySlug(string $bookSlug, string $chapterSlug): Chapter { $chapter = Chapter::visible()->whereSlugs($bookSlug, $chapterSlug)->first(); if ($chapter === null) { throw new NotFoundException(trans('errors.chapter_not_found')); } return $chapter; } /** * Create a new chapter in the system. */ public function create(array $input, Book $parentBook): Chapter { $chapter = new Chapter(); $chapter->book_id = $parentBook->id; $chapter->priority = $chapter->priority ?: (new BookContents($parentBook))->getLastPriority() + 1; $this->baseRepo->create($chapter, $input); Activity::add(ActivityType::CHAPTER_CREATE, $chapter); return $chapter; } /** * Update the given chapter. */ public function update(Chapter $chapter, array $input): Chapter { $this->baseRepo->update($chapter, $input); Activity::add(ActivityType::CHAPTER_UPDATE, $chapter); return $chapter; } /** * Remove a chapter from the system. * * @throws Exception */ public function destroy(Chapter $chapter) { $trashCan = new TrashCan(); $trashCan->softDestroyChapter($chapter); Activity::add(ActivityType::CHAPTER_DELETE, $chapter); $trashCan->autoClearOld(); } /** * Move the given chapter into a new parent book. * The $parentIdentifier must be a string of the following format: * 'book:' (book:5). * * @throws MoveOperationException * @throws PermissionsException */ public function move(Chapter $chapter, string $parentIdentifier): Book { $parent = $this->findParentByIdentifier($parentIdentifier); if (is_null($parent)) { throw new MoveOperationException('Book to move chapter into not found'); } if (!userCan('chapter-create', $parent)) { throw new PermissionsException('User does not have permission to create a chapter within the chosen book'); } $chapter->changeBook($parent->id); $chapter->rebuildPermissions(); Activity::add(ActivityType::CHAPTER_MOVE, $chapter); return $parent; } /** * Find a page parent entity via an identifier string in the format: * {type}:{id} * Example: (book:5). * * @throws MoveOperationException */ public function findParentByIdentifier(string $identifier): ?Book { $stringExploded = explode(':', $identifier); $entityType = $stringExploded[0]; $entityId = intval($stringExploded[1]); if ($entityType !== 'book') { throw new MoveOperationException('Chapters can only be in books'); } return Book::visible()->where('id', '=', $entityId)->first(); } }