getForCurrentUser('ui-shortcuts-enabled', false); return view('users.preferences.shortcuts', [ 'shortcuts' => $shortcuts, 'enabled' => $enabled, ]); } /** * Update the user-specific interface shortcuts. */ public function updateShortcuts(Request $request) { $enabled = $request->get('enabled') === 'true'; $providedShortcuts = $request->get('shortcut', []); $shortcuts = new UserShortcutMap($providedShortcuts); setting()->putForCurrentUser('ui-shortcuts', $shortcuts->toJson()); setting()->putForCurrentUser('ui-shortcuts-enabled', $enabled); $this->showSuccessNotification(trans('preferences.shortcuts_update_success')); return redirect('/preferences/shortcuts'); } /** * Show the notification preferences for the current user. */ public function showNotifications(PermissionApplicator $permissions) { $this->checkPermission('receive-notifications'); $preferences = (new UserNotificationPreferences(user())); $query = Watch::query()->where('user_id', '=', user()->id); $query = $permissions->restrictEntityRelationQuery($query, 'watches', 'watchable_id', 'watchable_type'); $watches = $query->with('watchable')->paginate(20); return view('users.preferences.notifications', [ 'preferences' => $preferences, 'watches' => $watches, ]); } /** * Update the notification preferences for the current user. */ public function updateNotifications(Request $request) { $this->checkPermission('receive-notifications'); $data = $this->validate($request, [ 'preferences' => ['required', 'array'], 'preferences.*' => ['required', 'string'], ]); $preferences = (new UserNotificationPreferences(user())); $preferences->updateFromSettingsArray($data['preferences']); $this->showSuccessNotification(trans('preferences.notifications_update_success')); return redirect('/preferences/notifications'); } /** * Update the preferred view format for a list view of the given type. */ public function changeView(Request $request, string $type) { $valueViewTypes = ['books', 'bookshelves', 'bookshelf']; if (!in_array($type, $valueViewTypes)) { return redirect()->back(500); } $view = $request->get('view'); if (!in_array($view, ['grid', 'list'])) { $view = 'list'; } $key = $type . '_view_type'; setting()->putForCurrentUser($key, $view); return redirect()->back(302, [], "/"); } /** * Change the stored sort type for a particular view. */ public function changeSort(Request $request, string $type) { $validSortTypes = ['books', 'bookshelves', 'shelf_books', 'users', 'roles', 'webhooks', 'tags', 'page_revisions']; if (!in_array($type, $validSortTypes)) { return redirect()->back(500); } $sort = substr($request->get('sort') ?: 'name', 0, 50); $order = $request->get('order') === 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; $sortKey = $type . '_sort'; $orderKey = $type . '_sort_order'; setting()->putForCurrentUser($sortKey, $sort); setting()->putForCurrentUser($orderKey, $order); return redirect()->back(302, [], "/"); } /** * Toggle dark mode for the current user. */ public function toggleDarkMode() { $enabled = setting()->getForCurrentUser('dark-mode-enabled', false); setting()->putForCurrentUser('dark-mode-enabled', $enabled ? 'false' : 'true'); return redirect()->back(); } /** * Update the stored section expansion preference for the given user. */ public function changeExpansion(Request $request, string $type) { $typeWhitelist = ['home-details']; if (!in_array($type, $typeWhitelist)) { return response('Invalid key', 500); } $newState = $request->get('expand', 'false'); setting()->putForCurrentUser('section_expansion#' . $type, $newState); return response('', 204); } /** * Update the favorite status for a code language. */ public function updateCodeLanguageFavourite(Request $request) { $validated = $this->validate($request, [ 'language' => ['required', 'string', 'max:20'], 'active' => ['required', 'bool'], ]); $currentFavoritesStr = setting()->getForCurrentUser('code-language-favourites', ''); $currentFavorites = array_filter(explode(',', $currentFavoritesStr)); $isFav = in_array($validated['language'], $currentFavorites); if (!$isFav && $validated['active']) { $currentFavorites[] = $validated['language']; } elseif ($isFav && !$validated['active']) { $index = array_search($validated['language'], $currentFavorites); array_splice($currentFavorites, $index, 1); } setting()->putForCurrentUser('code-language-favourites', implode(',', $currentFavorites)); return response('', 204); } }