[ ], 'update' => [ ], 'delete' => [ 'migrate_ownership_id' => ['integer', 'exists:users,id'], ], ]; public function __construct(UserRepo $userRepo) { $this->userRepo = $userRepo; } /** * Get a listing of users in the system. * Requires permission to manage users. */ public function list() { $this->checkPermission('users-manage'); $users = $this->userRepo->getApiUsersBuilder(); return $this->apiListingResponse($users, [ 'id', 'name', 'slug', 'email', 'external_auth_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'last_activity_at', ], [Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'listFormatter'])]); } /** * View the details of a single user. * Requires permission to manage users. */ public function read(string $id) { $this->checkPermission('users-manage'); $singleUser = $this->userRepo->getById($id); $this->singleFormatter($singleUser); return response()->json($singleUser); } /** * Delete a user from the system. * Can optionally accept a user id via `migrate_ownership_id` to indicate * who should be the new owner of their related content. * Requires permission to manage users. */ public function delete(Request $request, string $id) { $this->checkPermission('users-manage'); $user = $this->userRepo->getById($id); $newOwnerId = $request->get('migrate_ownership_id', null); $this->userRepo->destroy($user, $newOwnerId); return response('', 204); } /** * Format the given user model for single-result display. */ protected function singleFormatter(User $user) { $this->listFormatter($user); $user->load('roles:id,display_name'); $user->makeVisible(['roles']); } /** * Format the given user model for a listing multi-result display. */ protected function listFormatter(User $user) { $user->makeVisible($this->fieldsToExpose); $user->setAttribute('profile_url', $user->getProfileUrl()); $user->setAttribute('edit_url', $user->getEditUrl()); $user->setAttribute('avatar_url', $user->getAvatar()); } }