import {register as registerShortcuts} from "./shortcuts"; import {listen as listenForCommonEvents} from "./common-events"; import {scrollToQueryString} from "./scrolling"; import {listenForDragAndPaste} from "./drop-paste-handling"; import {getPlugin as getCodeeditorPlugin} from "./plugin-codeeditor"; import {getPlugin as getDrawioPlugin} from "./plugin-drawio"; import {getPlugin as getCustomhrPlugin} from "./plugins-customhr"; import {getPlugin as getImagemanagerPlugin} from "./plugins-imagemanager"; import {getPlugin as getAboutPlugin} from "./plugins-about"; import {getPlugin as getDetailsPlugin} from "./plugins-details"; const style_formats = [ {title: "Large Header", format: "h2", preview: 'color: blue;'}, {title: "Medium Header", format: "h3"}, {title: "Small Header", format: "h4"}, {title: "Tiny Header", format: "h5"}, {title: "Paragraph", format: "p", exact: true, classes: ''}, {title: "Blockquote", format: "blockquote"}, { title: "Callouts", items: [ {title: "Information", format: 'calloutinfo'}, {title: "Success", format: 'calloutsuccess'}, {title: "Warning", format: 'calloutwarning'}, {title: "Danger", format: 'calloutdanger'} ] }, ]; const formats = { alignleft: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-left'}, aligncenter: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-center'}, alignright: {selector: 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes: 'align-right'}, calloutsuccess: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout success'}}, calloutinfo: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout info'}}, calloutwarning: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout warning'}}, calloutdanger: {block: 'p', exact: true, attributes: {class: 'callout danger'}} }; function file_picker_callback(callback, value, meta) { // field_name, url, type, win if (meta.filetype === 'file') { => { callback(, { text:, title:, }); }); } if (meta.filetype === 'image') { // Show image manager (image) { callback(image.url, {alt:}); }, 'gallery'); } } /** * @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options * @return {{toolbar: string, groupButtons: Object}} */ function buildToolbar(options) { const textDirPlugins = options.textDirection === 'rtl' ? 'ltr rtl' : ''; const groupButtons = { formatoverflow: { icon: 'more-drawer', tooltip: 'More', items: 'strikethrough superscript subscript inlinecode removeformat' }, listoverflow: { icon: 'more-drawer', tooltip: 'More', items: 'outdent indent' }, insertoverflow: { icon: 'more-drawer', tooltip: 'More', items: 'hr codeeditor drawio media details' } }; const toolbar = [ 'undo redo', 'styleselect', 'bold italic underline forecolor backcolor formatoverflow', 'alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify', 'bullist numlist listoverflow', textDirPlugins, 'link table imagemanager-insert insertoverflow', 'code about fullscreen' ]; return { toolbar: toolbar.filter(row => Boolean(row)).join(' | '), groupButtons, }; } /** * @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options * @return {string} */ function gatherPlugins(options) { const plugins = [ "image", "imagetools", "table", "paste", "link", "autolink", "fullscreen", "code", "customhr", "autosave", "lists", "codeeditor", "media", "imagemanager", "about", "details", options.textDirection === 'rtl' ? 'directionality' : '', ]; window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('codeeditor', getCodeeditorPlugin(options)); window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('customhr', getCustomhrPlugin(options)); window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('imagemanager', getImagemanagerPlugin(options)); window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('about', getAboutPlugin(options)); window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('details', getDetailsPlugin(options)); if (options.drawioUrl) { window.tinymce.PluginManager.add('drawio', getDrawioPlugin(options)); plugins.push('drawio'); } return plugins.filter(plugin => Boolean(plugin)).join(' '); } /** * Fetch custom HTML head content from the parent page head into the editor. */ function fetchCustomHeadContent() { const headContentLines = document.head.innerHTML.split("\n"); const startLineIndex = headContentLines.findIndex(line => line.trim() === ''); const endLineIndex = headContentLines.findIndex(line => line.trim() === ''); if (startLineIndex === -1 || endLineIndex === -1) { return '' } return headContentLines.slice(startLineIndex + 1, endLineIndex).join('\n'); } /** * @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options * @return {function(Editor)} */ function getSetupCallback(options) { return function(editor) { editor.on('ExecCommand change input NodeChange ObjectResized', editorChange); listenForCommonEvents(editor); registerShortcuts(editor); listenForDragAndPaste(editor, options); editor.on('init', () => { editorChange(); scrollToQueryString(editor); window.editor = editor; }); function editorChange() { const content = editor.getContent(); if (options.darkMode) { editor.contentDocument.documentElement.classList.add('dark-mode'); } window.$events.emit('editor-html-change', content); } // Custom handler hook window.$events.emitPublic(options.containerElement, 'editor-tinymce::setup', {editor}); // Inline code format button editor.ui.registry.addButton('inlinecode', { tooltip: 'Inline code', icon: 'sourcecode', onAction() { editor.execCommand('mceToggleFormat', false, 'code'); } }) } } /** * @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options */ function getContentStyle(options) { return ` html, body, html.dark-mode { background: ${options.darkMode ? '#222' : '#fff'}; } body { padding-left: 15px !important; padding-right: 15px !important; height: initial !important; margin:0!important; margin-left: auto! important; margin-right: auto !important; overflow-y: hidden !important; }`.trim().replace('\n', ''); } /** * @param {WysiwygConfigOptions} options * @return {Object} */ export function build(options) { // Set language window.tinymce.addI18n(options.language, options.translationMap); // Build toolbar content const {toolbar, groupButtons: toolBarGroupButtons} = buildToolbar(options); // BookStack Version const version = document.querySelector('script[src*="/dist/app.js"]').getAttribute('src').split('?version=')[1]; // Return config object return { width: '100%', height: '100%', selector: '#html-editor', cache_suffix: '?version=' + version, content_css: [ window.baseUrl('/dist/styles.css'), ], branding: false, skin: options.darkMode ? 'oxide-dark' : 'oxide', body_class: 'page-content', browser_spellcheck: true, relative_urls: false, language: options.language, directionality: options.textDirection, remove_script_host: false, document_base_url: window.baseUrl('/'), end_container_on_empty_block: true, statusbar: false, menubar: false, paste_data_images: false, extended_valid_elements: 'pre[*],svg[*],div[drawio-diagram],details[*],summary[*],div[*]', automatic_uploads: false, custom_elements: 'doc-root,code-block', valid_children: [ "-div[p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|blockquote|code-block]", "+div[pre|img]", "-doc-root[doc-root|#text]", "-li[details]", "+code-block[pre]", "+doc-root[code-block]" ].join(','), plugins: gatherPlugins(options), imagetools_toolbar: 'imageoptions', contextmenu: false, toolbar: toolbar, content_style: getContentStyle(options), style_formats, style_formats_merge: false, media_alt_source: false, media_poster: false, formats, file_picker_types: 'file image', file_picker_callback, paste_preprocess(plugin, args) { const content = args.content; if (content.indexOf('