[ 'owner_id' => ['int'], 'role_permissions' => ['array'], 'role_permissions.*.role_id' => ['required', 'int', 'exists:roles,id'], 'role_permissions.*.view' => ['required', 'boolean'], 'role_permissions.*.create' => ['required', 'boolean'], 'role_permissions.*.update' => ['required', 'boolean'], 'role_permissions.*.delete' => ['required', 'boolean'], 'fallback_permissions' => ['nullable'], 'fallback_permissions.inheriting' => ['required_with:fallback_permissions', 'boolean'], 'fallback_permissions.view' => ['required_if:fallback_permissions.inheriting,false', 'boolean'], 'fallback_permissions.create' => ['required_if:fallback_permissions.inheriting,false', 'boolean'], 'fallback_permissions.update' => ['required_if:fallback_permissions.inheriting,false', 'boolean'], 'fallback_permissions.delete' => ['required_if:fallback_permissions.inheriting,false', 'boolean'], ] ]; /** * Read the configured content-level permissions for the item of the given type and ID. * 'contentType' should be one of: page, book, chapter, bookshelf. * 'contentId' should be the relevant ID of that item type you'd like to handle permissions for. * The permissions shown are those that override the default for just the specified item, they do not show the * full evaluated permission for a role, nor do they reflect permissions inherited from other items in the hierarchy. * Fallback permission values may be `null` when inheriting is active. */ public function read(string $contentType, string $contentId) { $entity = $this->entities->get($contentType) ->newQuery()->scopes(['visible'])->findOrFail($contentId); $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $entity); return response()->json($this->formattedPermissionDataForEntity($entity)); } /** * Update the configured content-level permissions for the item of the given type and ID. * 'contentType' should be one of: page, book, chapter, bookshelf. * 'contentId' should be the relevant ID of that item type you'd like to handle permissions for. * Providing an empty `role_permissions` array will remove any existing configured role permissions, * so you may want to fetch existing permissions beforehand if just adding/removing a single item. * You should completely omit the `owner_id`, `role_permissions` and/or the `fallback_permissions` properties * if you don't wish to update details within those categories. */ public function update(Request $request, string $contentType, string $contentId) { $entity = $this->entities->get($contentType) ->newQuery()->scopes(['visible'])->findOrFail($contentId); $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $entity); $data = $this->validate($request, $this->rules()['update']); $this->permissionsUpdater->updateFromApiRequestData($entity, $data); return response()->json($this->formattedPermissionDataForEntity($entity)); } protected function formattedPermissionDataForEntity(Entity $entity): array { $rolePermissions = $entity->permissions() ->where('role_id', '!=', 0) ->with(['role:id,display_name']) ->get(); $fallback = $entity->permissions()->where('role_id', '=', 0)->first(); $fallbackData = [ 'inheriting' => is_null($fallback), 'view' => $fallback->view ?? null, 'create' => $fallback->create ?? null, 'update' => $fallback->update ?? null, 'delete' => $fallback->delete ?? null, ]; return [ 'owner' => $entity->ownedBy()->first(), 'role_permissions' => $rolePermissions, 'fallback_permissions' => $fallbackData, ]; } }