import {EditorView, keymap} from "@codemirror/view"; import {copyTextToClipboard} from "../services/clipboard.js" import {viewer, editor} from "./setups.js"; import {createView, updateViewLanguage} from "./views.js"; /** * Highlight pre elements on a page */ export function highlight() { const codeBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('.page-content pre, .comment-box .content pre'); for (const codeBlock of codeBlocks) { highlightElem(codeBlock); } } /** * Highlight all code blocks within the given parent element * @param {HTMLElement} parent */ export function highlightWithin(parent) { const codeBlocks = parent.querySelectorAll('pre'); for (const codeBlock of codeBlocks) { highlightElem(codeBlock); } } /** * Add code highlighting to a single element. * @param {HTMLElement} elem */ function highlightElem(elem) { const innerCodeElem = elem.querySelector('code[class^=language-]'); elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML.replace(//gi ,'\n'); const content = elem.textContent.trimEnd(); let langName = ''; if (innerCodeElem !== null) { langName = innerCodeElem.className.replace('language-', ''); } const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); elem.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, elem); const ev = createView({ parent: wrapper, doc: content, extensions: viewer(wrapper), }); setMode(ev, langName, content); elem.remove(); addCopyIcon(ev); } /** * Add a button to a CodeMirror instance which copies the contents to the clipboard upon click. * @param {EditorView} editorView */ function addCopyIcon(editorView) { const copyIcon = ``; const checkIcon = ``; const copyButton = document.createElement('button'); copyButton.setAttribute('type', 'button') copyButton.classList.add('cm-copy-button'); copyButton.innerHTML = copyIcon; editorView.dom.appendChild(copyButton); const notifyTime = 620; const transitionTime = 60; copyButton.addEventListener('click', event => { copyTextToClipboard(editorView.state.doc.toString()); copyButton.classList.add('success'); setTimeout(() => { copyButton.innerHTML = checkIcon; }, transitionTime / 2); setTimeout(() => { copyButton.classList.remove('success'); }, notifyTime); setTimeout(() => { copyButton.innerHTML = copyIcon; }, notifyTime + (transitionTime / 2)); }); } /** * Create a CodeMirror instance for showing inside the WYSIWYG editor. * Manages a textarea element to hold code content. * @param {HTMLElement} cmContainer * @param {ShadowRoot} shadowRoot * @param {String} content * @param {String} language * @returns {EditorView} */ export function wysiwygView(cmContainer, shadowRoot, content, language) { // Monkey-patch so that the container document window "CSSStyleSheet" is used instead of the outer window document. // Needed otherwise codemirror fails to apply styles due to a window mismatch when creating a new "CSSStyleSheet" instance. // Opened: const originalCSSStyleSheetReference = window.CSSStyleSheet; window.CSSStyleSheet = cmContainer.ownerDocument.defaultView.CSSStyleSheet; const ev = createView({ parent: cmContainer, doc: content, extensions: viewer(cmContainer), root: shadowRoot, }); window.CSSStyleSheet = originalCSSStyleSheetReference; setMode(ev, language, content); return ev; } /** * Create a CodeMirror instance to show in the WYSIWYG pop-up editor * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {String} modeSuggestion * @returns {*} */ export function popupEditor(elem, modeSuggestion) { const content = elem.textContent; return CodeMirror(function(elt) { elem.parentNode.insertBefore(elt, elem); = 'none'; }, { value: content, mode: getMode(modeSuggestion, content), lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: false, theme: getTheme() }); } /** * Create an inline editor to replace the given textarea. * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} textArea * @param {String} mode * @returns {EditorView} */ export function inlineEditor(textArea, mode) { const content = textArea.value; const config = { parent: textArea.parentNode, doc: content, extensions: [ ...editor(textArea.parentElement), EditorView.updateListener.of((v) => { if (v.docChanged) { textArea.value = v.state.doc.toString(); } }), ], }; // Create editor view, hide original input const ev = createView(config); setMode(ev, mode, content); = 'none'; return ev; } /** * Set the language mode of a codemirror EditorView. * * @param {EditorView} ev * @param {string} modeSuggestion * @param {string} content */ export function setMode(ev, modeSuggestion, content) { updateViewLanguage(ev, modeSuggestion, content); } /** * Set the content of a cm instance. * @param {EditorView} ev * @param codeContent */ export function setContent(ev, codeContent) { const doc = ev.state.doc; doc.replace(0, doc.length, codeContent); } /** * Get a CodeMirror instance to use for the markdown editor. * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {function} onChange * @param {object} domEventHandlers * @param {Array} keyBindings * @returns {*} */ export function markdownEditor(elem, onChange, domEventHandlers, keyBindings) { const content = elem.textContent; const config = { parent: elem.parentNode, doc: content, extensions: [ ...editor(elem.parentElement), EditorView.updateListener.of((v) => { onChange(v); }), EditorView.domEventHandlers(domEventHandlers), keymap.of(keyBindings), ], }; // Emit a pre-event public event to allow tweaking of the configure before view creation. window.$events.emitPublic(elem, 'editor-markdown-cm::pre-init', {cmEditorViewConfig: config}); // Create editor view, hide original input const ev = createView(config); setMode(ev, 'markdown', ''); = 'none'; return ev; }