<?php namespace BookStack\Access; use BookStack\Exceptions\SocialDriverNotConfigured; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled; class SocialDriverManager { /** * The default built-in social drivers we support. * * @var string[] */ protected array $validDrivers = [ 'google', 'github', 'facebook', 'slack', 'twitter', 'azure', 'okta', 'gitlab', 'twitch', 'discord', ]; /** * Callbacks to run when configuring a social driver * for an initial redirect action. * Array is keyed by social driver name. * Callbacks are passed an instance of the driver. * * @var array<string, callable> */ protected array $configureForRedirectCallbacks = []; /** * Check if the current config for the given driver allows auto-registration. */ public function isAutoRegisterEnabled(string $driver): bool { return $this->getDriverConfigProperty($driver, 'auto_register') === true; } /** * Check if the current config for the given driver allow email address auto-confirmation. */ public function isAutoConfirmEmailEnabled(string $driver): bool { return $this->getDriverConfigProperty($driver, 'auto_confirm') === true; } /** * Gets the names of the active social drivers, keyed by driver id. * @returns array<string, string> */ public function getActive(): array { $activeDrivers = []; foreach ($this->validDrivers as $driverKey) { if ($this->checkDriverConfigured($driverKey)) { $activeDrivers[$driverKey] = $this->getName($driverKey); } } return $activeDrivers; } /** * Get the configure-for-redirect callback for the given driver. * This is a callable that allows modification of the driver at redirect time. * Commonly used to perform custom dynamic configuration where required. * The callback is passed a \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\Provider instance. */ public function getConfigureForRedirectCallback(string $driver): callable { return $this->configureForRedirectCallbacks[$driver] ?? (fn() => true); } /** * Add a custom socialite driver to be used. * Driver name should be lower_snake_case. * Config array should mirror the structure of a service * within the `Config/services.php` file. * Handler should be a Class@method handler to the SocialiteWasCalled event. */ public function addSocialDriver( string $driverName, array $config, string $socialiteHandler, callable $configureForRedirect = null ) { $this->validDrivers[] = $driverName; config()->set('services.' . $driverName, $config); config()->set('services.' . $driverName . '.redirect', url('/login/service/' . $driverName . '/callback')); config()->set('services.' . $driverName . '.name', $config['name'] ?? $driverName); Event::listen(SocialiteWasCalled::class, $socialiteHandler); if (!is_null($configureForRedirect)) { $this->configureForRedirectCallbacks[$driverName] = $configureForRedirect; } } /** * Get the presentational name for a driver. */ protected function getName(string $driver): string { return $this->getDriverConfigProperty($driver, 'name') ?? ''; } protected function getDriverConfigProperty(string $driver, string $property): mixed { return config("services.{$driver}.{$property}"); } /** * Ensure the social driver is correct and supported. * * @throws SocialDriverNotConfigured */ public function ensureDriverActive(string $driverName): void { if (!in_array($driverName, $this->validDrivers)) { abort(404, trans('errors.social_driver_not_found')); } if (!$this->checkDriverConfigured($driverName)) { throw new SocialDriverNotConfigured(trans('errors.social_driver_not_configured', ['socialAccount' => Str::title($driverName)])); } } /** * Check a social driver has been configured correctly. */ protected function checkDriverConfigured(string $driver): bool { $lowerName = strtolower($driver); $configPrefix = 'services.' . $lowerName . '.'; $config = [config($configPrefix . 'client_id'), config($configPrefix . 'client_secret'), config('services.callback_url')]; return !in_array(false, $config) && !in_array(null, $config); } }